Post by pitsha on Jun 17, 2010 2:17:18 GMT -5
How many years had it been since Pitsha had last been in the United States? Her travels kept her centered around Europe, the land in which she was born. Where exactly, she couldn't remember. Her home country no longer existed in this day and age, hadn't existed for hundreds of years. She didn't dwell on it. Why mourn over a place she barely remembered? It was one of the first things she'd discovered each time she used her power in a more... permanent fashion. More of her memories became like dreams, never really sure what had been real and what hadn't. Ah- There it was. Now she remembered the last time she'd been on this continent. The Civil War.
Pitsha smirked softly, leaned against the railing that separated pier from air. The wind blowing her platinum blond hair every which way, the sun baring down on her. It certainly was a wonderful, warm afternoon. It was a shame beaches didn't hold much of her interest, otherwise the day would be rather perfect.
Her thoughts began to wander, diving back into the memories of her first time in this country, how they had ruthlessly killed each other over whether slavery would be outlawed or not. Back then, she'd thought Americans were barbaric, a part of her still thought they were barbaric. Only barbarians would be proud of being war hungry mongrels, always looking for another battle whether it involved them or not.
But why had she come to this country now? Shouldn't she have wanted to stay as far from this place as possible? It seemed of late, The United States was the target of many terrorists. Not only that, but it was home to those X-Men. 'Defenders of Mutants'. If they were really such defenders, they'd get over their pride and actually act on their words. They were just was war happy as this country of theirs, looking for the biggest fights around.
It wasn't that Pitsha hated the school, she was actually fond of the idea of teaching the younger generation of mutants how to control their power and use it wisely. She just knew they could do more. In her travels, she'd seen more then enough to break anyone's heart, other then her own, and the X-Men did nothing for those people. Only because their pain wasn't physical.
Right then, Pitsha realized her smirk had become an angry scowl, her blue eyes narrowed into a sharp glare. Slowly shaking her head, she dislodged the expression from it's place, replacing the look with something much softer and calmer.
thud... thud.... thud...
Footsteps? From behind her it would seem. Looking over her shoulder, she forced a sweet, faint smile to touch her lips as she shaded her eyes to see who this brave soul was.
Post by matthewgray on Jun 17, 2010 10:39:51 GMT -5
The day had gone, differently to what Matthew had originally imagined. When he had asked Professor X if he could have a leisurely trip to Westchester, he didn’t think it would end in bloodshed. Arriving, everything was fine. The sun was shining and there were girls in bikinis. A perfect day.
But there is always something that fucks up a good mood, be it a thief, a seagull shitting on your head or even, if you are really unlucky, a sexually transmitted disease. Luckily, or maybe not luckily none of these had happened to Matt, to be honest Matthew was a virgin so having an STD would be quite strange.
It was a gang that had ruined this particular day. Matthew had been walking through an alley to reach the pier, Matthew was never good at finding his way, had got lost. A group of thugs had come out of the wood work and tried to attack him. Matthew responded by killing them, a drawback to his powers. When Matthew got extremely scared or any other heightened emotion, he goes insane. Attacking anyone of anything.
Matthew had wiped the blood off onto his trousers and then he returned to his “normal” state. He then found his way to the pier. Joy. That was then he saw a lone person leaning against the rail. Matthew decided he would stand near them.
Post by pitsha on Jun 17, 2010 19:38:32 GMT -5
It shouldn't have surprised Pitsha that a teenager was the one she had heard. It was summer after all, but this one intrigued her. He looked like most others his age, that slightly long hair, glasses, average clothes and shoes- No.... Not so average. Fresh bloodstains were smeared upon his leggings. She knew it was fresh, so fresh it had yet to harden and flake. Had the boy been in a fight only moments before? It wasn't a huge amount of blood, but enough to know he hadn't accidentally run into something and hurt himself. Either he'd been hurt, or he'd hurt someone.
Her wise, but cold eyes only took a fraction of a moment to take in all these details, just as he might make quick work of examining her if he were to look at her. Her unnaturally platinum blond hair that just near reached her hips, striking blue eyes, and fair, porcelain like skin.
Another moment of silence passed, before finally a faint, barely even visible, smile touched her lips. "I'm sorry, but you are aware that you have blood on your pants?"
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 1:22:16 GMT -5
Matthew raised an eyebrow, he was from England which ment that pants was actually his underwear. Then it clicked in his head. "Oh yeah, I know" Something felt different about the girl. "Are you a mutant?" He asked quietly. Matthew then quickly looked her up and down. She seemed normal.
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 1:37:36 GMT -5
A small sign of surprise touched Pitsha's expression for only a moment, before fading back into her calm, peaceful state. "I see. Well, it would be wise to wash it off. In case others thought you were in some sort of trouble." She could already imagine the uproar it might cause if a teenager wandered the street with blood on him. Some thinking he had been hurt, others thinking he had hurt others. It was unlikely society wouldn't have any reaction. Pitsha, on the other hand, didn't seem at all interested in why he wore blood, or even seem disturbed by the sight of it.
Only when she was asked if she was a mutant did true surprise finally took hold. A small part of her wanted to flee, to make sure this boy knew nothing of who, or what she really was. The rest of her though... was curious. "What an odd question. What makes you think I'm a mutant?" Her pause only lasted a short moment. "Or do you ask everyone you meet that question? In that case, that would make you one as well, or one of the mutant fanatics." She smiled softly once more. Even though her words alone weren't insulting, something about the way she said it would make anyone feel like an idiot, as if they were first graders trying to outsmart college professors.
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 2:05:45 GMT -5
Matthew raised his right eyebrow, she raised a fair point. How did Matthew know? "You just seemed different, like i am" He took a pause on the different then he raised his right fist. "Watch" He then clenched it, slowly his signature red spikes, begun protruding from his hand. "I'm Matthew, and you are?"
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 2:18:07 GMT -5
So it had been some sort of sixth sense that alerted her to her X-gene? Well, that made some sense. Mutants often seemed more drawn to each other then humans, not to mention mutants often carried an air of abnormality, whether it be the way they carried themselves or spoke. It was always amazing how often mutants seemed to find each other, even if they were still a minority among society.
Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt when this boy, Matthew he called himself, so eagerly demonstrated his gift. In broad daylight no less. Well, they did happen to be the only two on the pier at the moment, so it was unlikely others would have caught sight of the demonstration. A moment passed, before she smirked, but something about it far more serious then she'd been before. "You should be more careful with your gift. Humans may be coming to accept our presence, but they will still retaliate violently if they were to feel threatened." She leaned back against the railing, this time facing him and not the horizon. "I am Pitsha. Pitsha Larai Mileno." She introduced herself by her full name, as she often did when greeting a stranger.
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 14:23:50 GMT -5
Matthew nodded. "Nice to meet you Pitsha" He smiled at her. "So what is your power?" Pitsha didn't seem like a mutant but still. Matthew raised an eyebrow, something was wrong.
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 14:43:23 GMT -5
Should she tell this boy what she was capable of? A part of her felt there was little harm in explaining, but she wasn't sure if he'd understand it or not. A thoughtful expression crossed her face, as she quickly looked right, and left. Perhaps no one would see what happened if she were to demonstrate like he had.
With a sigh, she decided it might not be the wisest to demonstrate with out explaining what it was she did. "I transfer my soul. From one body to another. Dead bodies, or inanimate objects." He probably wouldn't guess about her true age though, of how long she'd been moving her souls to new, fresher dead bodies. That alone might just make him sick.
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 14:46:06 GMT -5
Matthew raised an eyebrow. "So, you recycle bodies" Matthew pulled a smile. "That is awesome, and it is eco-friendly" Matthew laughed hysterically, in his eyes that was an awesome power. "So I reckon you are around" He scratched his head, pondering her age. "Somewhere around 1000 years old" He chuckled to himself. "And you don't look like a day over 20" He laughed even more, possibly more than he should have been.
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 15:14:35 GMT -5
Pitsha smirked softly, well that was certainly an interesting way of putting it. Recycling. "You could say that." This boy, Matthew, didn't seem at all sickened by the idea of her 'using' dead bodies she came across. Only when he guessed at her age did she seem taken back. Why would he guess she so old? Of course, he was close to correct, but what made him guess that? "987 to be exact. THough his body is only a little over 19." Running her fingers through her hair, she shrugged a little. "What would make you guess I was so old though? Is it really that obvious?"
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 15:19:06 GMT -5
Matthew scratched his head. "I am not sure, I think I have a second power to detect and analyze people" He smiled. "So where are you going now?" It started to rain, Matthew sighed and took off his hoodie. He laid it over Pitsha's shoulders. "It's good to see a nice one of us in this day and age, you're an awesome person Pitsha, most of the people who have found out i am a mutant have freaked and tried to kill me..."
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 15:58:54 GMT -5
"Detection is a very common ability." Pitsha would know. After almost 1000 years on this Earth, she'd run in to plenty of other mutants in her time, many had some sort of detection ability. Tracking, sight, hearing, it was rarely not to find someone with a hand in it.
She felt something wet splat on her hair, followed by more little drops. Rain? Slowly she looked up at the clouds that had suddenly stretched across the sky to ruin the perfect afternoon. At first she didn't notice his putting the hoodie around her, but when she did, she quickly glanced back at him, a little surprised. After a moment, she smiled. "I was waiting for someone actually, but it would seem she might have gotten into a little trouble on the way." If Matthew knew who it was Pitsha traveled with, he might have had second thoughts to thinking she was a nice person.
"No, this time in history is a very peaceful time, even if you don't agree." She turned to stare at the horizon, the waves crashing down on the shore as people retreated. "Decades ago, things were much much worse."
Post by matthewgray on Jun 18, 2010 16:05:58 GMT -5
Matthew nodded. "So what have you had a part in, I mean wars and stuff?" He coughed slightly and a small drop of water dripped off his nose. "Who are you waiting for?" Matthew liked Pitsha, it seemed that life was being kind to him at the moment.
Post by pitsha on Jun 18, 2010 17:40:07 GMT -5
Pitsha had to stop and think, to try and remember anything big or momentous that she had been through. She wasn't sure if she should mention some of the things, but felt no real harm in revealing her secrets, that for the moment only Lorelei knew. "I spent most of my time avoiding any and all wars, often leaving the country before a war broke out. But I sometimes found myself as a cook or nurse when I wasn't able to get out fast enough. I spent most of my time traveling. Ship, wagon, sometimes walking." She paused, thinking. "I can't recall the names of every war though. That's what happens after so many years, your older memories soon start to fade, more like dreams."
She paused, looking around once more. "My friend, Lorelei. She often accompanies me." She paused again. "And no, she is not like me in power, but she is a mutant."