Post by hank on Apr 13, 2010 11:23:47 GMT -5
Hank was dressed in a medical coat, looking over a young boy who had come to him with a small injury. He dressed the cut on the boys arm, which wasn't as deep as it first appeared, and put a small sling on the boys arm. With a small smile, he patted the boys shoulder.
"Now be careful next time. Just because you can hop from one tree to another, doesn't mean gravity and nature work with you all the time."
With a small ruffle of the boys hair, he sent the young man on his way with a peice of candy. He watched as the boy disappeared out of the hospital room and turned to get back to reading his book on the counter. Just then his ears picked up the sound of someone approaching his "office", and he couldn't help but smile as he recognized the sound.
Post by maru on Apr 15, 2010 15:32:36 GMT -5
"Are you the new X-man?" Maru's quiet voice seemed to echo through the room, which should have been physically impossible... Unless you were Maru, of course. With her... disability, it was a complete mystery to everyone that didn't know her or her power how she knew where Mr. McCoy was. The key was sound. Just like a bat she created high pitched frequencies to bounce around the room, then come back to her and create a 'picture' of the room in her head. Now, whether Mr.McCoy could pick up the frequencies... Maru didn't know. Maybe that's what she was there to find out.
Tilting her head slightly when she got the 'image' of him in her head, she couldn't help but smile. "You remind me of Heather.... Only you're bigger then her..." She didn't know if Mr. McCoy knew who Heather was, seeing as she was away on a mission at the moment so he couldn't have met her when he arrived.
Post by hank on Apr 15, 2010 15:39:33 GMT -5
He turned when he heard a voice coming from all around the room. But his senses allowed him to pinpoint it to a young who stood in the doorway. He smiled and walked up to her, giving a small nod of his yes.
"Yes I am the new X-Man. Well, I should say returning X-Man actually."
He gave a small chuckle when she told him he reminded her of Heather. He wasn't sure who Heather was, but he had a feeling it was a compliment. At least...he hoped it was. He gave a small bow as he introduced himself.
"Hank McCoy. At your service."
Post by maru on Apr 15, 2010 15:46:44 GMT -5
"Returning X-man?" Maru paused, a thoughtful expression touching her face. "I didn't think there were many former X-men. Looks like I was wrong." She didn't bother turning her head upward when she spoke so she could meet his gaze, seeing as she was blind she saw no point in it anyway, though it may make this man curious as to what was wrong with her. When he introduced himself, the name rang a bell in her head, though she couldn't recall why it was so familiar... Perhaps she'd heard some of the X-men talking about him? "I'm Maru." She didn't bother using her full name either, which was a normal thing for her.
Post by hank on Apr 15, 2010 15:58:47 GMT -5
He smiled at her, knowing full well that her sight was gone. How she was able to pinpoint his location in a room like this must be part of her ability as a mutant. He walked over and pulled up a chair, sitting down so they could talk eye to eye. Even though it didn't matter since she couldn't see him, in his eyes it was only proper.
"It's nice to meet you Maru. How are you feeling today?"
It was a common question for him to ask someone younger than him. One never knew when walking into a doctors office could benefit from more then just a simple meeting.
Post by maru on Apr 15, 2010 16:08:06 GMT -5
Maru slowly blinked when she heard a chair being moved, releasing her breath through her mouth to send more frequencies through the air. She tilted her head again as she listened, not 'saying' anything until she was sure where he had moved. Though when he asked how she was feeling, she paused to think. "I'm fine." The way she said it was as if she hadn't even noticed whether she was feeling alright or not up until that point. "You said you were returning to the X-men, what did you do before that?" She didn't waste any time getting to a point. She was there to figure out who this man was.
Post by hank on Apr 15, 2010 16:19:57 GMT -5
He sat back in his chair, smiling a bit as he had found himself in what appeared to be an interview. He couldn't help but find the humor in a student interviewing a teacher. He placed one leg onto the other and gave an impression of thinking.
"Well let's see. After my first joining of the X-Men, I retired into politics, acting as a liaison between mutant and human rights. I was also a teacher in Science and Mathematics for this school as well as it's physician. I hope to regain all those in my return."
Post by maru on Apr 15, 2010 16:26:50 GMT -5
It wasn't that she was 'interviewing' him, more like she was just curious as to what she was to expect from this man. When he mentioned being in politics and a liaison between mutant and humans rights, she blinked again, suddenly realizing why his name was so familiar. "Oh. You're the guy who is always on the news. I don't watch it, but when you can hear as well as me, you catch things." She didn't know if she had just insulted him, but she didn't really care. She paused for a moment when he mentioned hoping to regain all his former positions, an amused smirk crossing her lips. "Well... Good luck with the Physician part. I don't think Hazel is going to let that happen." She grinned a little more, wondering what Hazel's reaction would be if he tried to take her job.
Post by hank on Apr 15, 2010 16:32:42 GMT -5
"Yes I have had my spots on the news, but only to benefit people like us, not growing the media's intentions of warping stories."
He smiled and couldn't help a small laugh when she mentioned him being on the news. When she said that he would have a little problem with Hazel if trying to get her job, his smile wavered a bit until he gave her a small nod as he understood something.
"Maybe, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind only having one infirmary to go to instead of two."
Post by maru on Apr 15, 2010 16:43:24 GMT -5
Maru just shrugged. "The media does like to warp stories on mutants....." She was lost in thought for a moment, trying to recall any stories in the media 'promoting' mutants. Finally, she gave up, unable to think of a single one.
"Oh, She'll probably leave this one to you then. That way she doesn't have to deal with all the stupid things people do in the Danger Room." She grinned again, finding some of the students bonehead mistakes utterly hilarious. Though, just as many bonehead mistakes happened all around the school, so it wouldn't be to much of a difference. "Would you participate in missions though? Hazel doesn't unless she has to, and most of the full time teachers don't go on missions very often." She suddenly paused, realizing something. "Heather is probably going to ask you to come on the next Survival Camp out. Seeing as you two aren't that different..." When that next Survival Camp out was though was a complete mystery, though none of the students were looking forward to it...
Post by hank on Apr 16, 2010 13:00:53 GMT -5
"Yes," he said with a frown and a sigh, "The media indeed does."
When she talked of how Hazel will probably give him this one in order to keep half of her sanity in tact, he couldn't help but give a small chuckle. It's true that accidents happened all over the school, but accidents in the danger room were often more severe. That's one of the reasons he appreciated this room among others. When she asked about missions, he gave a small smile.
"Going on missions is all part of being an X-men, Maru, Xavier wouldn't have it any other way I'm sure."
The topic of Heather and Survival Camp seemed to peak his interest more than others. Especially since Maru made a point to say that they weren't that different. His curiosity for Heather began growing more than it did for the camp. It was at that point he remembered her telling him he reminded her of a larger version of Heather. What could that mean?
"Tell me more about this Survival Camp, Maru, it's the first I've herad of it. And how are Heather and I not so different?"
Post by maru on Apr 16, 2010 13:17:10 GMT -5
Maru just shrugged, lightly folding her arms across her chest. "That's not what I meant. I mean, some X-men rarely go on missions for... obvious reasons. But you wouldn't have any problem with them, and yet you are going after time-consuming positions. So I just wasn't sure if you would or not." By his size and strength, of course Hank McCoy would have no trouble with missions. But Hazel was rarely ever sent on missions because she was a doctor, so would the same apply to him?
She paused when he asked about the Survival Camp Heather, trying to think of a good way to explain it. "Heather and Logan made it up. I've only gone once, but once is enough. It's basically what it sounds like, a survival camp out. There are rumors that Heather goes and hires other mutants to give us an even harder time up there, but we can't prove it." Another pause as she suddenly realized that this man didn't know Heather. "I would have thought you knew Heather, with the whole... yeah. I don't think I'm the best to explain it." She waved a hand in front of her eyes, pointing out she was blind once again, so she didn't play off of a lot of physical characteristics, since they appeared different in her 'vision' then others. "But people say she's combined with a tiger, like I've ever heard a tiger before, so I don't even know what they sound like." She paused again, refolding her arms. "She has a lot of fur though... a lot more then you actually."
Post by hank on Apr 16, 2010 13:23:53 GMT -5
"Ah yes, a good point, Maru." he said, raising a finger matter of factly, "However, I am not only a doctor but a scientist. Plus with the intelligence I have, Xavier depends on me to not only help out on missions, but gather information that would help the cause."
He rubbed his chin as he explained about Logan and Heather making up survival camp. He couldn't understand Logan being a teacher, but wouldn't put it past him to be the one to bring more mutants in, not this Heather person Maru talked about. He nodded when Maru explained that she couldn't give details due to her site, and didn't press the matter further. He was curious about there being another mutant besides him with fur inside the mansion though.
Post by maru on Apr 16, 2010 13:49:21 GMT -5
"I guess." Maru shrugged again, not really sure what else to say to what he had said. In the silence that followed, Maru couldn't help but let her 'frequencies' travel farther into the room and down the halls to the Danger room. Of course, it when then that she heard one of the people she had just been talking about.... Looking for something.... Heather was probably searching for someone in Paragon to torture, like always. "Speak of the devil...." She took a few steps back towards the door. "If she asks if you've seen me or anyone else from Paragon... Tell her you haven't. I'd rather live for the rest of the day." With that, Maru bolted off before Heather reached the hospital room...
Post by heather on Apr 16, 2010 13:56:17 GMT -5
Like Maru had guessed, Heather was looking for someone in Paragon to 'train', seeing as several of them had had a group Danger room session and all of them had skipped it. To put it simply, Heather wasn't in a very good mood. Some of her short fur was sticking up on end, as she stalked the hallway, looking for the faintest sign of one of the Paragons. It was then she caught scent of one... Maru. Though Maru hadn't been part of the group, she'd settle for Maru if she had to. Quickening her pace, she decided not to go into a full on run. She'd be able to catch the girl easily with that nose of hers... Of course Maru would always 'hear' her coming before either of them were in sight.... This would be a rather entertaining day it seemed. It was right then that she caught another scent, an unfamiliar scent that wasn't like that of 'human' looking mutants.
Her curiosity got the best of her. She had to investigate. She'd catch Maru later. She scurried down the hall, searching for the source of this new smell, only to realize it was coming from the Hospital room.... The one room(other then the infirmary) that she flat out refused to go into.